Covid 19 was a global catastrophe in 2020 and it still remains to be in 2021, with over 3.5 lakh new cases registered each day in India itself. It shook the world completely, in either way physically, mentally, emotionally, economically etc.  However during this course Covid 19 taught us many lessons. Here are some of the lessons which I learnt and definitely you all too must have.


1.LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE:  Life is unpredictable and it throws surprises every now and then. No one has full control over it, not even the mightiest of rulers. Even something as minute as a microscopic virus can halt the progress of the nations, globally in every aspect jeopardizing the entire life. Our elders use to teach us that a small ant can kill a large elephant, simile of which I happen to witness during this Covid 19 pandemic where a minute virus has brought mankind to its knees.  So why not we all learn to leave our ego behind and be more humble and gentle to ourselves and people around us when nothing is permanent and everything is transitory.

2.BE KIND TO NATURE: Man has been using nature recklessly for a long time and every time took pride in conquering it, be it mountains, rivers, glaciers, space etc.  But nature cannot be won over in this way. The only way is to coexist lovingly with it.  For Nature knows much better ways to punish human beings and it will throw surprises like this every time we misbehave with her.  So let’s be kind to her and take good care of it. After all she is Mother Nature.

3.PARSIMONIOUS LIVING IS BEAUTIFUL: We have been leading a life of excess if not abundance so we never valued anything. However Covid Pandemic especially the lockdown period taught us to appreciate their value and that, Necessities of life are very few. Rest is only clutter which clutters our life. More stuff doesn’t deliver fulfillment every time. Staying at home and relying on less has taught us to reexamine our priorities. Buying or taking advantage of every possible modern convenience isn’t necessary for our happiness or survival.  It became clear to all that we can live without many things and that too happily. Parsimonious living is actually beautiful with few things to divide our attention and acquire our mental energy leaving space for many worthwhile activities which remained in background for long time. It is definitely our choice to make our life a beautiful meadow or just a junkyard. Choice is ours.

4.NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION: This old maxim became true once again when everyone was seeking to resolve their various issues, whether one was interested in having junk food or sweets during lockdown and because of the restrictions could not avail, during that crucial time learned various culinary skills to satisfy their taste buds. Or whether it was just to connect with people around and still maintain social distancing. At that time online platform came to people’s rescue. Now even a child knows how to conduct online classroom.

5.FLEXIBILITY IS A GREAT VIRTUE: Lockdown forced people to change many of their long-term habits or addictions and taught them that flexibility in life is very important. Big time shoppers like me (shopping was actually my favourite pastime which I really wanted to get rid off for long time) had to stop shopping and stay indoors. Same applied to other kind of addictions too, people who where smoker, tobacco chewers, food addicts or those who loved wandering and had to stay indoors and to live without it. They had to give their addictions for the cause of survival. They all learnt to be more flexible and less obstinate or rigid.

6.SURVIVAL IS IMPORTANT TO ENJOY LIFE: During this time Survival became the topmost goal for everyone. We love ourself so much that no one wants to die knowingly, until unless if someone is not mentally sane. Everyone loves to choose a healthy life.  It is because of this reason that relatives chose not to attend the funeral of someone dear that died of Covid 19 and even asked others to stay at home for the same reason. This was probably the main reason for the success of Lockdown. We can only enjoy the world when we are alive. So let’s put the health first and stay safe.

7.NOTHING IS PERMANENT: Whether one believes in laws of karma or not but Nature has its own way of delivering fruits of one's karma which became evident during Covid 19 Pandemic. Business houses which once boasted of their success were in ruins, while some thrived the jolts of pandemic. Ego has no place in nature. No one can claim that he’s always a winner and will always remain so.

8.FREEDOM IS THE GREATEST ASSET: It was well demonstrated during Lockdown when we all felt captivated and understood the true value of freedom. Indeed freedom is the greatest assets and cause of happiness so why not just preserves it.

9.DIGITAL LIFE: Even when various institutions and organizations were trying to bring digitalization a decade ago we did not wanted that change, maybe we were afraid of the transformation, however digital adoption became faster during the pandemic. Working from home and holding online meetings and trainings became the norm. Digital transactions and e-commerce came into prominence. Life became more easy and comfortable. We may wonder how come we not adopt all these changes a decade earlier; life would have been smoother. So why wait for a calamity to bring innovations in our life why can’t we be just more flexible. Smart phone and internet connectivity are now a basic necessity for everyone.

10.TIME FOR INTROSPECTION: People got enough time to introspect themselves to reflect on their assets and their respective deficiencies. Many went overboard and learned new skills or polished their existing skills e.g.  is one of the participant in “ Dance India Dance” dancing programme learned dancing during four months lockdown is now among the twelve contestants. 

11. HOBBIES ARE HEALING: During all these stressful time it was our hobbies which comforted us, had a healing touch on us and kept us going. From cooking and knitting to painting and learning a new language, our renewed enthusiasm for pastimes has helped to recharge our batteries, at same time making us feeling connected.

12.OUR MINDS MATTER: While the COVID 19 pandemic had created many a newfound worries, however at the same time it also forced us to slow down and evaluate our coping strategies. As a matter of fact, resulted in a desire to learn many new strategies like: yoga, meditation or mindfulness? As a result many institutions/organizations are offering online courses on these. Many have joined the brigade for their overall well being. Whatever the path to reducing stress and improving mental wellness, it’s worth staying the course once things return closer to where they used to be.

13.ESSENTIAL WORKERS ARE HEROES: At last delivery boys, grocery stores employees, health care professionals and other essential workers are finally receiving the recognition they always deserved. The sacrifices they’ve particularly made during this pandemic haven’t gone unnoticed. Showing gratitude for these everyday heroes will go a long way toward building lasting goodwill.

14.GRATITUDE IS VERY IMPORTANT: Lastly Covid 19 pandemic taught us all to be more humble, down to earth, in all to be more human. Being thankful for whatever we have has become one of our qualities.


That’s what I learnt from this ongoing Pandemic. You may be having some different kind of learning or some additional ones, so do comment about them in comment box.


Thank you everyone for viewing this blog, liking it, sharing it, sending your comments and subscribing to the blog and letting it fulfill the purpose for which it was made.

For more articles:

Ø Want to know more about Left handedness and Right handedness than- Left Vs Right 

Ø If you are facing the difficulties in managing stress during this covid times than sure to read this -Combating Stress During Covid Times  

Ø Having difficulties in managing anger- Anger Mangement

Ø Poster on Covid-19 by Students during Lockdown

Ø Keep Moving Even When The World Says NO


Ø Want to know the secret of being winner TO BE A WINNER BE DEAF TO NEGATIVITY     

Ø Feeling depressed, sad, feel empty or worthless and want to be out of it BRIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE

Ø Finding difficulty in managing time BENEFITS AND TECHNIQUES OF TIME MANAGEMENT

Ø What is more important time or money TIME VS MONEY

Ø Want to learn more about Psychopathology PSYCHOPATHOLOGY

Ø Want to know more about Anxiety Disorder ANXIETY DISORDER









For FREE Career Counselling read:

Ø To know more about Career in Medicine

Ø To know more about Career in Engineering

Ø To know more about Career in Business Management/MBA

Ø To know more about Law Order Order


For those who enjoy listening can listen to my podcast also


Podcasts :

1.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Psychopathology-ei8pku/record20200810214849-3gpp-a2vfeva

2.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/The-Boiling-Frog-Syndrome-eihpjt

3.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Benefits-and-Techniques-of-Time-Management-ejk1tl

4.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Anxiety-disorders-ek9rp0  

5.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Generalized-Anxiety-Disorder-el7jie  

6.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/TIME-VS-MONEY-el0dvk  

7.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Panic-Disorder-elfeub

8.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/Agoraphobia-enpiup

9.    https://anchor.fm/dr-geetanjali-pareek/episodes/I-DONT-BELIEVE-IN-DEFEAT-epvn2q

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