OM has been used by Hindus from time immemorial. It would not be an exaggeration if one said that the ancient Indian sages discovered OM and the benefits of chanting it. Even today the symbol of OM is used as a symbol of purity and divinity.

OM symbolically embodies the divine energy or the Shakti with the three main characteristics namely: creation, preservation and liberation. The mantra is considered to have high spiritual and creative power which has been proved by the various researches in the field. Om chanting has also been found to be helpful in encouraging good physical and mental health. 


1.Attunes one to the Nature: When chanted OM vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, the same vibrational frequency found in all things throughout nature. So it attunes one to the nature.
Purifies the Environment: Chanting of OM not only benefits the person who is chanting but it also purifies the environment around him/her and creates positive vibrations.

3.   The rhythmic pronunciation and vibrations have a calming effect on the nervous system similar to the effect of meditation.

4.     Helps improve concentration: Chanting of OM sort of detaches one from the outside world hence one is able to concentrate better at the work in hand. Hence with regular practice of it one is able to concentrate better. 

5.     Reduces stress and anxiety: Biggest benefit of OM chanting is that it brings down the stress and anxiety levels.

6.   Rejuvenation: Stress and anxiety have become too much the part and parcel of our life, which produces much of the toxins in our body which in turn leads to many physical and mental diseases. Chanting of OM reduces the stress and anxiety levels which in turn eliminates the possibility of toxin production, which makes one more happy and rejuvenated.

7.   Makes one more emotionally stable and reduces the incidents of mood swings: One of the reasons for failure is emotional instability. When one is worried, angry, frustrated or irritated, ones behaviour becomes more irrational and impractical which indirectly impacts ones personal, social, and professional life. However one can benefit immensely by chanting OM on the regular basis and gaining control on ones emotional state.

8.  Improves work capacity and performance: Regular chanting of OM makes one person more concentrated and focused which hereby improves the work capacity and performance of the individual. 

9.  Improves personal and professional life: With more stable mood and focused attention one is not only able to deliver much, but also reap a good harvest of better personal and professional life.

10. Spinal cord is strengthened: Researches have proven that regular chanting of OM creates significant impact on the spinal cord of the person. The vibrations thus created during chanting improves the flexibility of the spinal cord.

11. Detoxifies the body: When you chant OM you have to breathe deeply this improves the blood circulation thereby enriching the oxygen supply to the body cells for their proper functioning.

12.Functioning of Heart and Digestive System improves: OM chanting regulates the blood flow to different body parts. Thus, helps in regulating the blood pressure and reducing the incidences of hypertension. Abdominal movement during chanting improves the functioning of digestive system.

13. Ensures sound sleep: With peace of mind one is able to sleep easily and quickly. It thus ensures that you have sound sleep.

14. Reduces negativism: Whenever an untoward incidence happens a troubled mind always has a tendency to think negative. But regular practice ensures that one remains positive even in the dire circumstances.

15.Reasoning ability increases: Regular chanting of OM improves the reasoning ability and one is able to take a right and better decision in difficult conditions.

16.Improves the voice quality: Chanting of OM improves voice quality by giving strength to your vocal cords and the muscles around it. This is very helpful during old age.

17.Thyroid glands and Throat are benefitted: Vibrations produced during chanting also has beneficial effect on the throat and thyroid gland functioning. Thyroid gland functioning is regularized.

18. Sinus problem is resolved: The vibrations produced opens up the sinuses to clear the airways.

19.Removes toxins from the body: With better circulation and oxidation chanting of OM is said to give one a better immunity and self-healing power. 

Hence in today’s “Corona time” chanting of OM will not only give mental peace and tranquility but also better immunity and health conditions to fight the situation.   


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